Over-the-counter (OTC) hearing aids are devices that consumers can buy directly from traditional retailers and pharmacies without the need for a visit to a hearing health professional.
Skull base surgery is a specialized type of surgery that focuses on treating conditions at the base of the skull. Otolaryngology skull base surgery is minimally invasive and almost always performed using a team approach.
With the global emergence and spread of the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19), options for practicing telemedicine, or communicating with your healthcare provider virtually, by phone, email, and/or video without physically entering your doctor’s office, have increased dramatically.
Genes play an important role in congenital hearing loss, causing about 60 percent of deafness in infants, affecting as many as three of every 1,000 babies.
Ear tubes are tiny cylinders placed through the ear drum (called tympanic membrane) to allow air into the middle ear. Each year, more than half a million ear tube surgeries are performed on children.
A cochlear implant is a device that can be used to improve hearing, and is typically used for people who do not benefit from a hearing aid or other assistive listening devices. Learn more.
Depending on your degree of hearing loss, type of hearing loss, and other medical factors, you may benefit from a hearing aid. Learn more about selecting the right option for you.