Falls Prevention for Older Adults

Falls and their resulting injuries, disability, loss of independence, and impact on family members are among the most serious health issues affecting older adults.

Secondhand Smoke and Children

Secondhand smoke is a combination of the smoke from a burning cigarette and the smoke exhaled by a smoker. It contaminates the air and is collected in clothing, hair, curtains, and furniture.

Facial Sports Injuries

Participating in sports is a great way to stay healthy and active, but facial sports injuries are all too common, whether you’re playing softball, basketball, football, soccer, bicycling, or nearly any kind of physical activity.

Mouth Sores FAQs

Mouth sores, or oral ulcers, make it painful to eat and talk. Two of the most common types of recurrent mouth sores are fever blisters, also known as cold sores, and canker sores.

hearWHO Hearing Screening App

hearWHO* is a free app developed by the World Health Organization for mobile devices which allows people to check their hearing regularly. The app is targeted at those who are at risk of hearing loss or who already experience some of the symptoms related to hearing loss.

Your Ear Gear and Hearing Health

Your ear gear, the listening devices you wear in or around your ears, is a critical part of your hearing health.

Improve Your Sleep Quality

Making some simple but important modifications to your sleep hygiene can help improve the overall quality and duration of your sleep.

Treatment for Pediatric Allergies

Pediatric allergies are often caused by an abnormal immune system reaction to harmless things such as food, pollen, animals, or medications.
Doctor doing thyroid exam on female patient

FAQs about Thyroid Cancer

Do you have questions about thyroid cancer? You may want to read these frequently asked questions (and answers) about thyroid cancer.